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IPN 40 Anniversary Seal

Barbara Hummel


Barbara Hummel, M.D.

Dr. Barbara Hummel is a specialist in Family Medicine and has been in practice for over thirty years. She has been a member of IPN for nine years. Dr. Hummel received her medical degree from the Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. She completed an internship at St. Luke’s Medical Center in Milwaukee and completed her residency at University of Iowa. Dr. Hummel opened her own independent practice after initially working for a closed model HMO group.

Dr. Hummel is quite involved in Medical Politics and has served as a Board Member for the Wisconsin Academy of Family Physicians; Board of Directors and President of Medical Society of Milwaukee County; Board of Directors and President of Wisconsin Medical Society; alternate delegate to the AMA for Wisconsin; and member of the Governing Council of Senior Physician Section, and Secretary of the Private Practice Physician Congress, an independent group of the AMA.


Why I joined IPN

Being an independent physician is very important for Dr. Hummel and being a member of IPN offers security and strength of numbers of the collective group that may be hard to come by for the independent physician. After her experiences negotiating fees and requirements with many insurance companies as an independent physician, Dr. Hummel recognizes the importance of the negotiating power of the collective available with Independent Physicians Network. IPN’s dedicated staff handles the negotiations with insurers to ensure members are given the best possible fees and meet all changing requirements.

With ever-changing government rules and regulations, IPN constantly monitors and informs members of all regulations required to satisfy the requirements for independent physician practices, which offers independent physicians like Dr. Hummel peace of mind. IPN’s Accountable Care Organization (ACO) has allowed Dr. Hummel and other independent physicians to earn bonuses from Medicare for practicing good medicine.


Why You should Join IPN

Dr. Hummel’s vision for IPN’s future is to continue the support for the team of independent physicians IPN creates, allowing them to refer to the best and most cost-effective physicians in our organization to maintain independent practices while providing the best care for our patients. IPN acts as a partner to help keep independent physicians operating independently.


 IPN offers so much that an independent physician cannot do alone.

Barbara Hummel, M.D.

Barbara Hummel, M.D.



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